[NCCJ Member News] FOODEX JAPAN 2025: The Norwegian Pavilion makes its second appearance, Presented by The NCCJ!


Following last year's immensely successful trade show, with a total of over 76,000 visitors, Norway will once again be participating in this year's 50th International Food and Beverage Exhibition FOODEX Japan 2025, taking place from March 11-14. With 70 countries and over 3000 global brands present it is the largest food exhibition in Asia. In collaboration with the Fishery Section of the Norwegian Embassy we look forward to organizing another great showcasing of the exquisite and tasty foods the Norwegian companies have to offer.

We are certain FOODEX will offer an excellent arena for networking and strengthening ties to the Japanese market for our Norwegian brands. This year the participants will be:

Fishery Section Norwegian Embassy

The Seafood Division promotes Norwegian seafood through in-store marketing materials such as posters highlighting Norway’s clean, cold seas and recipe booklets featuring a variety of Norwegian salmon and mackerel dishes. They also support seafood promotion initiatives in Japan.


Leroy Seafood is a leading Norwegian company specializing in salmon and trout farming, white fish harvesting, and global seafood processing and sales. Leroy prioritizes sustainability across the entire value chain, producing a diverse range of products suited for various markets.

Sigdal Bakeri

SIGDAL crispbread is made with sunflower seeds, oatmeal, flaxseeds, and other natural ingredients. It is high in protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals, and Omega-3. Its crunchy texture and nutritious taste make it a great choice for breakfast, snacks, or even dinner. 


TINE is Norway's largest dairy producer, cooperatively owned by around 8,000 dairy farmers across the country. TINE is committed to quality, safety, and sustainable development from farm to table. At FOODEX, TINE will showcase its signature Norwegian cheese, TINE® Brunost™ (Caramel Cheese), among other products.

Visscher Seafood/Norwegian Seafood AS

This company supplies high-quality seafood sourced from Norway’s clean waters to over 50 countries worldwide. Committed to quality and sustainability, it has established itself as a trusted global supplier of Norwegian seafood..

We look forward to another successful exhibition and are excited to see what our participants will be presenting this year!

昨年、来場者数76.000名以上と大成功を収めたトレードショーに続き、ノルウェーは今年も3月11-14日に開催される「第50回 国際食品・飲料展 FOODEX Japan 2025」に参加いたします。FOODEXは、70カ国以上、3,000以上のグローバルブランドが集結するアジア最大の食品展示会です。ノルウェー大使館水産部と協力し、ノルウェー企業が誇る高品質で美味しい食品を紹介する場を提供できることを楽しみにしています。


ノルウェー大使館 水産部



Leroy Seafood は、ノルウェーを代表する水産企業で、サーモン・トラウトの養殖、白身魚の漁獲、世界各地での加工・販売を手がけています。サステナビリティを重視し、持続可能な方法で生産された高品質なシーフードを世界中に提供しています。

Sigdal Bakeri(シグダル・ベーカリー)



TINEは、ノルウェー最大の乳製品メーカーであり、約8,000の酪農家による協同組合です。「農場から食卓まで」を理念に掲げ、品質、安全性、持続可能な発展に取り組んでいます。FOODEXでは、ノルウェーを代表するチーズ「TINE® Brunost™(キャラメルチーズ)」をはじめとした製品を紹介します。

Visscher Seafood / Norwegian Seafood AS



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