Corporate Memberships
Corporate Membership is open to all companies and organisations incorporated, registered or represented in Japan or other parties whose interest is directly related to the interests of the Norwegian business community in Japan or the Japanese business community in Norway.
As a corporate member, you get exclusive access to:
Events that provide valuable insight into relevant business topics of current interest.
Business education as for example our popular cultural training course Norway 101.
Opportunities to create intangible gains through networking events.
Newsletters and weekly news updates about the Chamber and related organisations.
Corporate privileges (advertisement, invitation of guests, etc.).
Gain greater insight into Norway and the Camber’s tradition through our annual events.
Unique Member-To-Member offers.
Corporate membership + Partner
Both corporate A and B members have the option to opt to become a partner of the NCCJ. Being a corporate partner offers the maximum value of your NCCJ membership
In addition to the existing benefits of Corporate Membership, Partners of the NCCJ can enjoy several added benefits and value add-ons, such as:
Annual featured interview.
Logo on the landing page of norwegianchamber.com.
Own partner section in the «corporate members» list.
Option of announcing respective events in NCCJ newsletters.
NCCJ Partner desk plaque.
Partner logo to use in email signatures, on company website or business cards.
Free attendance for employees at the NCCJ cultural awareness workshop «Norway 101».
Partner forum once or twice a year.
Partner benefits are subject to change, based on wishes from the incumbent NCCJ Partners.
An overview of current NCCJ Partners
Annual partner fee:
The fee for the Partner offering is added on to the existing Corporate Member fee.
First year: +¥60,000.
Following years: +¥80,000.
Corporate A
Standard membership category companies with more than six full-time employees in Japan.
Excluding partner offering.
Annual fee: ¥150,000.
Corporate B
Membership for smaller companies and start-ups (less than six full-time employees in Japan).
Excluding partner offering.
Annual fee: ¥75,000.
Individual Memberships
Individual Membership is open to individuals whose business profession conforms to the objectives of the Chamber.
As a Individual member, you get exclusive access to:
Events that provide valuable insight into relevant business topics of current interest.
Business education as for example our popular cultural training course Norway 101.
Opportunities to create intangible gains through networking events.
Newsletters and weekly news updates about the Chamber and related organisations.
Gain greater insight into Norway and the Camber’s tradition through our annual events.
Unique Member-To-Member offers.
Individual membership
Individuals whose business profession conforms to the objectives of the Chamber.
Annual membership fee: ¥12,500.
Student Memberships
Student Membership is open to students in Japan and Norway, and interns in Japan, whose interest conforms to the objectives of the Chamber.
As a student member, you get exclusive access to:
Events that provide valuable insight into relevant business topics of current interest.
Business education as for example our popular cultural training course Norway 101.
Opportunities to create intangible gains through networking events.
Newsletters and weekly news updates about the Chamber and related organisations.
Gain greater insight into Norway and the Camber’s tradition through our annual events.
Unique Member-To-Member offers.
student membership
Students in Japan and Norway, and interns in Japan, whose interest conforms to the objectives of the Chamber.
Annual membership fee: Free.
*NCCJ Members can opt to pay their membership fee to a Norway-registered bank account.
*Please note that all applications are not considered as valid memberships before formally approved by the NCCJ Board of Directors. The Board reserves the right to deny memberships on their own discretion based on our Articles of Association
*Successful applicants will be invoiced at prorate for the remaining months in the year of joining.
The next full yearly membership fees will be invoiced the following year.