[Event Report] FOODEX2025

From the 11th to 14th of March Foodex was held at Tokyo Big Sight. Norway participated with our own national pavilion organized by the NCCJ with assistance from the Norwegian Seafood Council. We are very happy to have provided an arena for Norwegian companies to obtain visibility in Japan and connect with the Japanese and international market. Our pavilion featured 5 Norwegian companies: Tine, Leroy, Sigdal Bakeri, Visscher Seafood/Norwegian Seafood AS and the Norwegian Embassy Fishery Section. 

The exhibition amassed approximately 72 000 visitors over the span of its duration. Visitors from different aspects of the food industry such as import, supermarkets and restaurants were able to roam the convention and sample the products of prospective business partners. Our partners were able to create new partnerships and solidify old ones through meetings.

Notable events:

Day one started with a visit from the Norwegian Ambassador Kristin Iglum. She tasted the Norwegian products on display and showed her support to the participants. We are very happy to have the continued support from the Embassy as we endeavour to further trade relations and the reach of Norwegian products in Japan and Asia.

In the evening of day 2 we held a joint event with the Swedish pavilion and the Finnish brand Bonne Juomat where we collaborated to create delicious Scandinavian cuisine for our guests to enjoy. Many thanks to Business Sweden Asia-Pacific and Bonne and all the exhibitors who helped put together this event! Also great to hear some enthusiastic words from Johanna Lundquist, Johan Kvalheim and Jenni Kilholma promoting the food from their respective countries, as well as a toast by Yushi Noguchi from Suntory Holdings.

On day 3 a seminar was held by Seafood From Norway. The seminar focused on sustainability in seafood production and had many interested attendees. Johan Kvalheim from the Norwegian Embassy Fishery Department, Yotsui Koki from Leroy Japan and Rutger Alexander Pasman from Visscher seafood/Norwegian Seafood AS all held talks on different sustainable practises. Johan Kvalheim also gave interviews to Nikkei and Suisan Keizai.

We are very happy to see these events gaining attention and hope to further strengthen our presence in Japan in the future!


パビリオンには、Tine、Leroy、Sigdal Bakeri、Visscher Seafood/Norwegian Seafood AS、そしてノルウェー大使館水産部の5社が出展しました。




2日目は、スウェーデンパビリオンおよびフィンランドのBonne Juomatと共催で、北欧の食文化をテーマにしたイベントを開催しました。Business Sweden Asia-Pacific、Bonne、そして協力してくださった全ての出展者の皆様に感謝申し上げます。スウェーデン、ノルウェー、フィンランドの食品をPRするJohanna Lundquist氏、Johan Kvalheim氏、Jenni Kilholma氏のスピーチや、サントリーホールディングスの野口雄志氏による乾杯の挨拶も、大いに会場を盛り上げました。

3日目には、「Seafood From Norway」によるセミナーが開催され、水産業における持続可能性をテーマに多くの関心を集めました。ノルウェー大使館水産部のJohan Kvalheim氏、Leroy Japanの四ツ井幸希氏、Visscher Seafood/Norwegian Seafood ASのRutger Alexander Pasman氏が、それぞれ異なる視点からサステナブルな取り組みについて講演を行いました。さらに、Johan Kvalheim氏は『日経新聞』および『水産経済新聞』の取材も受けました。


NCCJTokyo Big Sight