【Member Updates】Wilhelmsen Group: Viking Orion Maiden Call to Tokyo
Charge d’Affaires ad interim Tord Tukun (right) receiving a token from Captain Richard Svardmark (left)
Wilhelmsen Group:
Viking Orion Maiden Call to Tokyo
This week NCCJ’s ED Anette Yamamoto-Hansen joined Charge d’Affaires ad interim Tord Tukun from the Norwegian Embassy for a guided tour on board Corporate Member Wilhelmsen's newest vessel; the Viking Orion. Currently docked in Tokyo as a part of her maiden voyage across the world, the Viking Orion is the first Norwegian flagged cruise ship to reach Japan in over 20 years. The vessel is currently on its way towards Sapporo, and along with a heartfelt thank you to Viking Cruises and the rest of the Wilhelmsen group for the eminent experience we wish the Captain and crew a bon voyage!
From left:
Operations Manager - Cruise & Regional Cruise Coordinator (Wilhelmsen Japan)
Hiromu Suzuki (Japan)
Cruise Operator (Wilhelmsen Japan)
Kristoffer Bolsø (Norway)
Cruise Consultant (Viking Orion)
Michael Coleman (Canada)
Captain/Master (Viking Orion)
Richard Svardmark (Sweden)
General Manager (Viking Orion)
Marcel Gademan (Netherlands)
Charge d’Affaires ad interim (Royal Norwegian Embassy in Tokyo)
Tord Tukun (Norway)
Executive Director (NCCJ - Norwegian Chamber of Commerce in Japan)
Anette Yamamoto-Hansen (Norway)

The Wilhelmsen Group is involved in the daily operation of Viking Cruises through the following:
Wilhelmsen Ships Management does ships operation and manning of bridge team on board Viking Orion.
Wilhelmsen Ship Service Japan serves port call services all around Japan for Viking Cruises.