【CLIC Event Report】 Vranken Pommery – The wine market in Japan
CLIC is a loose organization of 11 smaller European Chambers of Commerce in Japan created for the purpose of organizing innovative networking events to enable trading of ideas between the members of the participating chambers. You can read more about CLIC here.
Representatives of the CLIC chambers listening to Ken Moroi’s presentation
Vranken Pommery – The wine market in Japan
Mr. Ken Moroi, CEO of Vranken Pommery Japan Co., Ltd., revealed some of the secrets behind their success in Japan and shared his views on the future of the wine market at the 7th CLIC Event held at the Belgium Embassy on April 17th. The so-called “Creative Linking of International Chambers” reached another participation record with 129 members and guests representing all the 11 CLIC chambers. Along with the informative presentation by Mr. Ken Moroi, the participants got to enjoy a taste of Vranken Pommery’s champagne as well as time to mingle with people from the various European chambers.