【Event Report】AGM 2025 / Election Day!

Title: NCCJ Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Date: February 20th, 2025

Location: Sola City Conference Center, Room A

The NCCJ held its Annual General Meeting on February 20th, 2025, at the Sola City Conference Center in Ochanomizu. Many members of the NCCJ attended to review the organization’s performance in the previous year and to look ahead, setting plans and goals for the coming year.

After a welcome speech by resigning Chairperson Svend Haakon Kristensen, the meeting commenced with Ambassador Kristin Iglum sharing some opening remarks with the attending members. She voiced her continuing dedication to fostering Norwegian Business in Japan and emphasized the important role The Chamber holds and will continue to hold in years to come.

Following Kristin Iglum’s opening talk the NCCJ’s financial reports were presented by The NCCJ’s General Manager Snorre Larsen. The NCCJ roadmap - 2026, developed in 2022 and formalized at AGM 2023, was also revisited and discussed.  

Svend Haakon Kristensen from Laerdal Medical presented and discussed the coming events in 2025, and plans for potential additional events.

The newly elected Board members were Masayuki Ataka from AutoStore System K.K, Ryoichi Egawa from Cognite Japan, Mariko Fukui from Quarks Asia, Jostein Rørveit from American Seafoods Japan KK, and Yasu Tsuchito from MIOJIO. 

Having served as Chairperson of the Board for a full 6 years Svend Haakon Kristensen has exhausted the allowable time in the position and is hence stepping down. Anette Yamamoto-Hansen will also be stepping down from her position as Vice-Chairperson. The Chamber is  tremendously grateful for the excellence and dedication displayed by Svend and Anette in their work for the chamber. Additionally Martin Sørensen from Hitachi Energy, Kai Koto from Fuglen and Shino Mikamo from Finn Corporation are also stepping down from the board. We are very grateful for their various contributions as members of the board.

Vice-chairperson Yuzuru Goto organized the election of the next chairperson, the new board held a meeting and came to a conclusion. Jostein Rørtveit will be picking up the mantle from Svend Haakon as the new Chairperson of the board. The Chamber is confident that Jostein will excel in this position and we are very glad to have him as our new head of The Board. Jostein addressed the members expressing his gratitude to the board and conveyed his dedication to furthering trade relations in his new role.

After the formal AGM program and elections, attendees had the opportunity to network over dinner and drinks.

The NCCJ Annual General Meeting succeeded in providing valuable insights into the organization's performance and plans for the future. The NCCJ will continue to provide support and opportunities for its members under the leadership of the newly elected board.

After the formal AGM program, the Svein Grandum, head of Innovation Norway Norway, held a Business Highlight Talks, featuring guest speakers (Proximar, Freyr and Fuglen) who discussed current business trends and opportunities in Japan and Norway. Attendees had the opportunity to network with each other and hear about the NCCJ's upcoming events and initiatives.

The NCCJ Annual General Meeting was a successful event that provided valuable insights into the organization's performance and plans for the future. The NCCJ will continue to provide support and opportunities for its members in the coming year under the leadership of the newly elected board.



代表理事であるSvend Haakon Kristenseの歓迎スピーチに続き、Kristin Iglum大使が開会の挨拶を行いました。大使は、日本におけるノルウェービジネスの発展への継続的な貢献を強調し、NCCJが今後も果たすべき重要な役割について言及しました。  

その後、NCCJの専務理事であるLarsen Snorreが財務報告を発表しました。また、2022年に策定され、2023年のAGMで公式となった「NCCJロードマップ2026」についても改めて議論が行われました。  

代表理事であるSvend Haakon Kristenseが、2025年にすでに開催が決定しているイベントや、追加開催が検討されているイベントについて紹介しました。  

今年度の新理事には、AutoStore System JapanのMasayuki Ataka氏、Cognite JapanのRyoichi Egawa氏、Quarks AsiaのMariko Fukui氏、American Seafoods Japan K.K.のJostein Rørtveit氏、MIOJIOのYasu Tsuchito氏が選出されました。  

そして、6年間にわたりNCCJ理事会の代表理事であるSvend Haakon Kristenseは、規定の任期満了に伴い今回のAGMを持って退任しました。また、副代表理事のAnette Yamamoto-Hansenも退任いたしました。NCCJは、Svend氏とAnette氏がこれまで示してきた卓越したリーダーシップと献身的な貢献に深く感謝しています。  また、長年理事として様々な貢献をいただいたMartin Sørensen氏、Kai Koto氏、Shino Mikamo氏にも改めて深く感謝いたします。


Rortveit Jostein氏が新代表理事選出へ選出されました。NCCJは、 Jostein氏がこの役割を見事に果たしてくれると確信しており、新たな理事会のリーダーとして迎えられることを嬉しく思っています。ヨスタイン氏は会員に向けて感謝の意を表し、新たな役職において貿易関係のさらなる発展に尽力する決意を述べました。  


