[Event Report] Norwegian Seafood Dinner 2023 [日本語訳あり]
This year the Norwegian Chamber of Commerce in Japan (NCCJ) celebrated its 20th anniversary in addition to kicking of a new tradition, the Norwegian Seafood Dinner, celebrated at the Roppongi Hills Club. The event was a resounding success, bringing together our members in the chamber and their guests. Beyond celebrating this remarkable milestone, the evening laid the cornerstone for a lasting tradition, creating a space for our members to engage, explore opportunities, and growth together.
The doors opened, welcoming guests with a live sushi demonstration by the All Japan Sushi Association. MCs Valentina and Akiko officially commenced the program, with Ambassador Kristin Iglum and NCCJ Chairman Svend Haakon Kristensen delivering warm welcome remarks. The subsequent program showcased each dish with videos and remarks from the respective sponsors.
The culinary journey featured an exquisite selection of Norwegian delicacies, including three kinds of salmon sushi from Lerøy, Norwegian prawn soup “Rekesuppe” from Coldwater Prawns, Aquavit-infused Norwegian salmon carpaccio with honey mustard and trout roe from Mowi, grilled saba nouveau with marinated basil and homemade dried tomatoes from Jalux, and roasted Norwegian salmon with spinach, potatoes, and grenobloise sauce from Toyo Reizo.
NCCJ vice chairperson Anette Yamamoto-Hansen, introduced Ms. Rio Yamase before she took the stage. The evening reached its climax with her captivating live performance on the Hardanger violin. After a wonderful performance, it was time for the Tambola, featuring great prizes sponsored by our corporate members.
NCCJ vice chairperson Yuzuru Goto, outlined the plans for next year's Seafood Dinner. As the first edition came to a close, attendees eagerly marked their calendars for the 2nd edition on the 7th of November 2024. Skål and Kampai for another year of lively and successful collaborations!
The success of the Norwegian Seafood Dinner was made possible by the generous support of various sponsors. A special thanks to seafood sponsors Lerøy Seafood, Coldwater Prawns of Norway AS, Mowi, Jalux, and Toyo Reizo, Tombola sponsors Laerdal Medical, Höegh Autoliners, Beckmann AS, and Ekornes, table stand sponsors Rion Corporation and EAM-Mosca Corp., display sponsor Corvus Energy AS, and goodie bag sponsors TINE SA, FUGLEN Tokyo, Beckmann AS, and Ekornes.
“We are looking forward to welcoming you next year, November 7th, 2024!”
在日ノルウェー商工会議所は今年、創立20周年を迎え、六本木ヒルズクラブで新たな伝統行事「Norwegian Seafood Dinner」を開催しました。当会議所の会員とそのゲストが集まり、イベントは大盛況に終わりました。
イベントでは、Lerøy社のサーモン寿司3種、Coldwater Prawns社のノルウェー海老のスープ「レーケスッペ」、Mowi社のアクアビッド入りノルウェーサーモンのカルパッチョ、ハニーマスタードとマスの卵添え、Jalux社のサバヌーボのグリル、バジルのマリネと自家製ドライトマト添え、東洋冷蔵社のノルウェーサーモンのロースト、ほうれん草、じゃがいも、グレノブワーズソース添えなど、ノルウェー料理の数々が勢ぞろいしました。
ノルウェー・シーフード・ディナーの成功は、多くのスポンサー企業様のご支援により実現しました。シーフードスポンサーのLerøy Seafood社、Coldwater Prawns of Norway社、 Mowi社、Jalux社Jと東洋冷蔵社、タンボーラスポンサーのLaerdal Medical社、Höegh Autoliners社、Beckmann AS社とEkornes社、テーブルスタンドスポンサーのRion CorporationとEAM-Mosca Corp、ディスプレイスポンサーのCorvus Energy 社とグディーバッグスポンサーのTINE社、Fuglen Tokyo、ベックマン社とEkornes社に、心から感謝申し上げます。