Norway 101
What is Norway 101?
Norway 101 is a workshop for employees of Norwegian companies in Japan aimed at improving cross-cultural awareness and communication skills for smooth interaction with Norwegian people and business partners. While Norway and Japan have a lot in common, they also have significant cultural differences, especially in business. Awareness and knowledge of Norwegian culture, history, society, equality, work-life balance and business culture will make you confident and competent to communicate effectively with Norwegians.
Held at the Norwegian Embassy's Aurora Hall, this half-day workshop will include presentations by experts on relevant topics, as well as hands-on work, group discussions, Q&A, and a quiz with prizes from Norway. At the end of the workshop, all participants will receive a diploma.
It's an opportunity to gain a unique insight into the Norwegian way of life and thinking and gain confidence in your daily interactions with your colleagues when travelling to Norway. We look forward to your participation.
Do you want to be a part of the next Norway 101 event?
Norway 101 was launched in November 2021 and rapidly gained popularity among chamber associates. Hence, we in the NCCJ arrange this workshop annually to spread awareness about Norway and its business culture. The next Norway 101 workshop is currently being planned, and if you are interested in gaining a competitive advantage, please register your interest through the button belove.
Register your interest at the beloved button to receive information about the next Norway 101 workshop without obligation.