Kongsberg Aeronautical Information Services AS
NCCJ Member since: October 2023
Kongsberg Aeronautical AS Homepage
For airlines are assessing stopping distance upon landing and needed distance to stop in event of a high-speed aborted takeoff essential for flight operations. For this, airlines need proper assessments and understanding of potentially deteriorating runway surface conditions caused by weather conditions. Current systems have shortcomings.
We have developed a program function that uploads to aircraft and then capable of providing an airplane-generated information source that is more accurate and objective than current assessment methods.
Our history starts with a pilot experiencing the need for improved information, then the development of the onboard program function in collaboration with United Airlines.
We are member of Kongsberg Technology Cluster, one of Norway’s leading high-tech business clusters and host to globally leading technology companies within such data systems, defense technology, aerospace, oil & gas, maritime technology, as well as other cutting edge technology companies.
航空会社にとって、着陸時の停止距離や、高速離陸が中止された場合に停止するために必要な距離を評価することは、安全な運航に不可欠です。 的確な評価には、気象条件によって悪化する可能性のある滑走路の路面状態を適切に評価し、理解する必要がありますが、現行のシステムでは充分とは言えません。