【Event Report】 Team Norway Introduction Evening
The new Norwegian Ambassador, Ms. Inga Nyhamar giving the opening remarks for the Team Norway event
Welcome the new Team Norway -
Team Norway Introduction Evening
This autumn, we have welcomed the new Norwegian Ambassador, Ms. Inga Nyhamar to Japan. She is one of many new faces to the Team Norway in Tokyo. Innovation Norway has a new Director in Mr. Per Arve Frøyen and we have other newly arrived diplomats at the Embassy, all bringing fresh air to Team Norway (The Embassy, Innovation Norway, Norwegian Seafood Council, Visit Norway & NCCJ).
On Monday 28th October we hosted a Team Norway Introduction Evening at the Aurora Hall of the Norwegian Embassy to introduce the new faces and to give corporate members and special invitees an introduction to Team Norway. We also had the chance to socialize with participants, and enjoy Scandinavian dishes served by Lilla Dalarna.
"Team Norway" is a term used to describe the ad hoc style of joint promotion of Norway and Norwegian products and brands in Japan based on teamwork and cooperation between public and private sector representatives. The following institutions were represented at the Team Norway event:
Norwegian Embassy in Tokyo
Innovation Norway, Tokyo Office
Norwegian Seafood Council
Visit Norway
Norwegian Chamber of Commerce in Japan

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➡ More info about Team Norway