【Event Report】AVR Japan x EON Reality Norway - Workshop on Technology in Scandinavian Education 北欧式 最先端 フィナンス教育アプリ体験会

Participants testing out “Jesper på hjul” - ノルウェーのファイナンス教育アプリを試している参加者たち

Participants testing out “Jesper på hjul” - ノルウェーのファイナンス教育アプリを試している参加者たち

<English Below>
9月27日にAVR JapanとEON Reality Norwayがファイナス教育アプリ「Jesper」の体験イベントをノルウェー大使館の商工会の協力のもと、開催しました。EON Reality Norwayの社長Knut Henrik Aas氏がノルウェーのデジタル教育について、AVRの取り組みについて解説してくれました。

そしてプロジェクトマネージャーのKristine Kvam氏より事例紹介から今回のアプリケーションの体験をしてもらいました。ノルウェーの代表でInnovation NorwayのPer Arve Frøyenよりノルウェーの現状についてお話頂きました。



ARとは拡張現実のことで、「Pokemon Go」というARゲームと同じ仕組みになっており、このことから多くの人がARについてすでに知っています。「Pokemon Go」でスマートフォンを使うとポケモンが現実の世界で目の前に出てきます。「Jesper」もタブレットのカメラを使って、QRコードを見たら色んなデジタルコンテンツが出てきます。例えば洋服屋さんのポスターを見ると洋服屋さんがでてきます。計算した予算でそのお店の中に洋服のお買い物ができます。あるポスターを見るとロボットのお家がでてきます。買った洋服とか食べ物とか車とかは家の外においてあります。

現在、ノルウェーでは「Jesper」アプリケーションを1000人以上の子どもたちにファイナンスについて教えています。予算だけじゃなくて、キャリアの選択も教えています。教師も生徒もわかりやすくお金について学べると好評で、EON Reality Norwayの地元のスポンサー、Sparebank1銀行は「Jesper2.0」のアップグレードすると発表されました。


On September 27th AVR Japan and EON Reality Norway held a demo event for finance education app “Jesper” at the Norwegian Embassy in Tokyo under the facilitation of NCCJ. EON Reality Norway CEO Knut Henrik Aas talked about AVR in education in Norway, and project manager Kristine Kvam demonstrated Jesper on the big screen. The Norwegian government was represented by Per Arve Frøyen from Innovation Norway.
More than 20 guests attended the event, many of them management in banking and education.
After Kristine's run-through of the app, it was the audiences' turn to try “Jesper” hands-on.
The guests showed a keen interest and complimented the app on its intuitiveness and ease of use.

Jesper is a finance education application made for tablets, and it currently runs on both iOS and android. When you start the app your avatar comes up in the form of a robot. You will then be handed a job such as police officer, sales manager, or nurse. The robot's uniform changes according to the job you receive. When you get a job you will be informed about how much money you make, as well as how long and where you had to study to get it. After being informed of your salary you have to calculate your monthly salary and taxes, and then the AR adventure starts in full.

AR or Augmented Reality is known to many because of the game “Pokemon Go”, which made the popular Pokemon creatures appear in real life thanks to your smartphone.
Using the camera on your tablet or smartphone, the device becomes a window into a reality where digitally created content coexists side-by-side with the real world.
Through the help of creatively decorated posters acting as QR codes, new content such as shops where you can buy food, clothes, or a car pops into existence when you point your tablet to it.
One poster acts as your personal island, and it will show you your house and all the things you have bought with the money you earn. Inside the house you can buy furniture and decorate it to your liking, and you can manage and adjust your budget to make sure it is well balanced.

In Norway ”Jesper” has been used to instruct more than a thousand middle school students in how to take care of their personal finances as well as what they need to think about when making their careers.
Feedback has been overwhelmingly good from students and teachers alike, and EON Reality Norway sponsor and bank Sparebank1 has decided to invest more in order to make “Jesper” an even better product in the future.