主催: 在日ノルウェー商工会議所
日時: 11月26日(火) 16時~19時
場所: 日本生命丸の内ガーデンタワー 3階 Room G MAP 東京都千代田区丸の内 1-1-3 (MAP)
NCCJ会員: 10,000円
非会員: 20,000円
NCCJパートナー会員: 無料
お申込み締切日: 11月22日
Event Details
Organized by: Norwegian Chambers of Commerce in Japan
Date: Tuesday, November 26, 2024 16:00-19:00
Place: Nihon Semei Marunouchi Garden Tower 3F Room G
Address: 1-1-3 Marunouchi 1-1-3, Marunouchi-city, Tokyo (MAP)
NCCJ member: 10,000 yen
Non-member: 20,000 yen
NCCJ Partner member: Free
Deadline for registration: November 22th
About the Event
The Norwegian Chamber of Commerce in Japan is pleased to announce a workshop event “Norway101” with the aim of making work and communication with Norwegians easier. This event is perfect for people working for Norwegian companies in Japan, people planning to be expatriates in Norway and people doing business with Norwegian companies.
While Norway and Japan have many similarities, there are also significant social and cultural differences. In order to facilitate work and communication, we believe it is important to deepen the understanding of Norway. The event will provide participants with a deeper knowledge of Norwegian society, culture, values, working style, business manners and communication. This is a valuable opportunity to hear firsthand accounts from speakers who have lived or worked in Norway. Through Q&A sessions, language courses and quizzes, the event aims to be interactive with participants.
The event has been highly popular since it was first organized in 2021. This year, the event will be held at a seminar venue in Otemachi. After the event, there will be an opportunity to connect with other participants. Interested participants are invited to apply via the link below.
This event is open to both NCCJ members and non-members.
第一部: オープニングセッション
登壇者: 在日ノルウェー商工会議所より
講演内容: ウェルカムスピーチ
第二部: ノルウェー社会の紹介
登壇者: Anette Yamamoto-Hansen様 (在日ノルウェー大使館通商技術部)
第三部: ノルウェーのビジネス文化
登壇者: 在日ノルウェー商工会議所 上野・金田
講演内容: ノルウェー社会の価値観、働き方、ビジネスマナー、ノルウェー語講座など
第四部: ノルウェーの体験談
登壇者: 土戸康永様 (株式会社MIOJO 代表取締役社長)
第五部: ノルウェーの商品付きクイズ
登壇者: 在日ノルウェー商工会議所 上野・金田
第六部: ネットワーキング・セッション
About the Speakers ゲストスピーカーのご紹介
Anette Yamamoto-Hansen
Market Advisor/ Trade & Technology office at Norwegian Embassy in Tokyo
Arrived in Japan in 2010, completing graduate studies in International Relations and Political Science. In her former role, she established Aker BioMarine's Japanese entity and expanded its market presence. Currently a Market Advisor at Innovation Norway, the Norwegian Embassy's Trade and Technology section. With over a decade of work experience in Japan, she excels in business development and cross-cultural partnerships.
在日ノルウェー大使館通商技術部 マーケット・アドバイザー
2010年に来日し、大学院で国際関係学と政治学を専攻。前職ではAker BioMarineの日本法人を設立し、市場でのプレゼンスを拡大。現在、ノルウェー大使館通商技術部でマーケット・アドバイザーとして働いている。日本での10年以上の実務経験を活かし、事業開発や異文化とのパートナーシップを得意とする。
株式会社MIOJIO 代表取締役社長
After working for a trading company in Japan and stationed in Norway, he now runs a trading company between Japan and Norway.
The Event is Hosted by:
For questions and inquiries, please contact office@nccj.or.jp