Nordic Share & Connect: Life Without Limitations: Introduction of Össur
About the Event
The Norwegian Chamber of Commerce in Japan (NCCJ), in collaboration with the other Nordic chambers (DCCJ, FCCJ, ISCCJ and SCCJ), is delighted to announce the next Nordic Share & Connect event.
The hosting company for this event is Össur Japan. As a global leader in innovative mobility solutions from Iceland to the world, Össur is dedicated to constant technological innovation and design improvements, aiming to enable a Life Without Limitations. At the Nordic Connect Event, we will not only introduce Össur products but also showcase its innovativeness, history, philosophy, and outlook. Additionally, we are honored to have ambassadors who actively use the products joining us to share their firsthand experiences and insights.
今回のホストしていただく企業はÖssur Japan(以下オズールジャパン)です。アイスランドから世界へと義肢製品の先駆けとして、常に技術革新とデザインの向上に努め、多くの方々の生活をより快適で自由なものにすることを使命としています。 このノルディックコネクト・イベントでは、単なる製品の紹介に留まらず、オズールジャパンの革新性、歴史、理念、そして未来への展望を皆様にご紹介させていただきます。また実際に義足、義手をお使いいただいているアンバサダーも登壇いただき、実際のユーザーのお声を届けます。
18:00: Doors open
18:30: Life Without Limitations: Introduction of Össur, its Business, and Innovation
19:00: User Insights: Stories from our ambassadors (Mr. Yamada & Mr. Kawahara)
19:15: Casual Connections: Food & Drinks
20:00: End of event
18:00: 開場
18:30: プレゼンテーション
19:00: アンバサダーからの紹介 *山田様、川原様
19:15: ネットワーキング *軽飲食をご用意しております
Nordic Share & Connect is a networking event collaboration with the Nordic Chambers DCCJ, FCCJ, ISCCJ, NCCJ & SCCJ (Nordic Net•Works) aimed at connecting Nordic companies in Japan. A member company of a Nordic Chamber of Commerce opens its doors to its fellow Nordic Chamber members to share their insights and experiences.