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[Joint Webinar Events] Workshop: Innovating for Sustainable Cities in Japan – Entrepreneurship and Technology

[Joint Webinar Events]
Workshop: Innovating for Sustainable Cities in Japan – Entrepreneurship and Technology


Inga M. W. Nyhamar, Norwegian Ambassador to Japan

Per Arve Frøyen, Director of Innovation Norway Japan


Naoko Ogawa, Deputy Director of Industrial Technology Bureau of Keianren (Japan Business Federation)

Einar Kleppe Holthe, Founder and CEO of Natural State and Fuglen

Niklas Karvonen, Community Director at Nordic Innovation House Tokyo

Svend Haakon Kristensen, President and Representative Director of Laerdal Medical Japan

Organized by: The Norwegian Embassy in Tokyo, Innovation Norway, the Norwegian Chamber of Commerce in Japan

Time: Thursday, September 24.., 2020 (17:00 - 18:30 JST)

Place: Nordic Edge Expo’s OnAIR platform

Participation fee: Free of charge (Norwegian Chamber of Commerce Members Only)

About the Event

The Norwegian Embassy in Tokyo in co-operation with Innovation Norway and the NCCJ is organising a workshop on Thursday September 24. as a part on Nordic Edge Expo.

This session will reflect upon economic, technological and social development in Japan through digital transformation and the realisation of “Society 5.0”.

Economies and societies change in tune with technological developments, and as technology is developing faster, so has the rate of change increased. The central reports Society 5.0 – Co-creating the Future and Digital Transformation – Opening Up the Future through Co-creation of Values recognise this dynamic, but also underline the opportunities this change brings about.

The NCCJ invites the first 10 members to register free tickets to the entire Nordic Edge Expo – including Thursday’s workshop. Read more about the full program of Nordic Edge Expo and click here to register.

Click here to go to the event page at Nordic Edge’s websites.


17:30-19:00 Japan time

(10:30-12:00) Norwegian time

17:30-17:40 (10:30-10:40)Opening by ambassador Ms. Inga M. W. Nyhamar and head of Innovation Norway Japan, Mr. Per Arve Frøyen

17:40-18:00 (10:40-11:00)Keynote by Ms. Naoko Ogawa (Keidanren)

18:00-18:10 (11:00-11:10)Commentary by Mr. Einar Holthe (Natural State/Fuglen)

18:10-18:20 (11:10-11:20)Discussants – Mr. Niklas Karvonen (Nordic Innovation House Tokyo) and Mr. Svend Haakon Kristensen (Laerdal Medical/Norwegian Chamber of Commerce in Japan)

18:20-18:45 (11:20-11:45)Discussions

18:45-18:55 (11:45-11:55)Q&A

18:55-19:00 (11:55-12:00)Closing remarks/wrap-up