This event is organized exclusively for NCCJ by AVR Japan
AVR Japan x EON Reality Norway present:
Workshop on Technology in Scandinavian Education
北欧式 最先端 フィナンス教育アプリ体験会
Did you know that all over the world these days schools are going through a digital revolution called Education 3.0? Or that studies has shown that learning with AR (Augmented Reality) almost doubles(1.9 times) the levels of visual attention when compared to learning by traditional means and memory encoding increases by 70%? AR equals faster learning and increased memory retention.
最近、世界中の学校がEducation 3.0というデジタル革命を経験していることをご存知ですか。 あるいは、AR(Augmented Reality)で学習すると、従来の方法で学習した場合と比較して視覚的注意のレベルがほぼ2倍になり、記憶力が70%増加することを示しています。 ARはより速い学習と記憶力の増加に最適です。
Knut Henrik Aas from EON Reality Norway.
In Scandinavia one of the pioneers of Education 3.0 is Knut Henrik Aas and his team at EON Reality Norway. Through a collaboration with Norwegian bank Sparebank1 and local learning institutions they have developed “Jesper pa Hjul”, an AR application for tablets and mobile that allows children to learn how to take care of their personal finances.
北欧では、Education 3.0の先駆者の1人はEON Reality Norwayの代表取締役Knut Henrik Aasさんです。ノルウェーの銀行Sparebank1と地元の学習機関とのコラボレーションを通して、EON Reality Norwayは子供たちが個人的なマネーマネジメントを学ぶことができるタブレットとモバイルのARアプリケーション、 “Jesper pa Hjul”を開発しました。
Project manager Kristine Kvam
In September Knut and his colleague and project manager Kristine Kvam will come to Japan to talk about education and technology and to demonstrate Jesper pa Hjul. And so we at AVR Japan are delighted to invite you to what is guaranteed to be an interesting day of Scandinavian education and technology. The event will be held at the Aurora Hall at the Norwegian Embassy on the 27 th of September, and it will include a discourse by EON Reality Norway, a hands-on demo of Jesper, networking, and a light bite and drinks. Knut and Kristine will also be able to show you AR/VR solutions they have made for fields other than education, so if you’re interested in AVR technology you must not miss out on this event. Hope to see you there!
9月27日(金)のノルウェー大使館のオーロラハールでAVR JapanとEON RealityノルウェーがJesper pa Hjulの無料体験セミナーイベントを実施致します。イベントの内容は講義、体験会、ネットワーキングや軽食、飲み物などもご用意しております。また教育以外の分野でのAR / VRソリューションもご紹介できますので是非、お申込みをお待ちしております。
Time frame:
13:00 Speech from the president
13:05 Greeting from Per Arve Frøyen, Director at the Innovation Norway Trade & Technology Office
13:15 EON Reality Norway CEO Knut Henrik Aas lectures on AR and VR
14:00 EON Reality Norway Project Manager Kristine Kvam
Introduces Jesper and instructs in usage of the app
14:30 Hands-on experience session with Jesper
15:30 Networking, catering
16:45 NCCJ President Haakon speech
17:00 The day ends
Event Details
Date: 27 September 2019 (Friday)
Time: 13:00h to 17:00h (doors open at 12:30h)
Venue: The Norwegian Embassy in Tokyo - Aurora Hall【MAP】
Fee: Free participation for members of NCCJ, other Nordic chambers and AVR Japan invitees.
Please note that we have limited number of seats available, so kindly sign up as soon as possible to secure your spot.